Domain Reseller

Each member who opens membership on Domain Name API is counted as a reseller. Domain prices vary according to three different Reseller classes. There are three different price centered seller types - Reseller, Premium, Platinum.
Become a Reseller Now!

Free Domain Reseller

As Domain Name API, we offer APIs with more than 800 domain extensions to our domain resellers including the generic domain names such as .com, .net, .org, .biz, .info, country code top-level domain names (ccTLDs) such .uk. .ru .fr and generic top-level domain names (gTLDs) such as .ist .istanbul .market .law .travel, free of charge. You can become a Domain Name API easily by using our rich variety of domain APIS such as .NET API, PHP API, whmcs and using our domain panel. Domain Name is API is an Icann - Accredited registrar and is directly acredited to many Registry firms such as Verisign, Pir, Affilias, RuCenter, Neustar, Donuts, Centralnic etc.

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Why should you become a Domain Name API reseller?

Here are some reasons why you should be a Domain Name API domain reseller:
  • Rich variety of APIs
  • Sound and secure domain registration infrastructure
  • WHMCS domain integration
  • Multi-language admin panel
  • 190+ countries 25000+ reseller experience
  • Domain sub-reseller, Domain panel

Create Your Own Domain Company

Are you still purchasing your domain names from other companies? You can create your own domain company by using Domain Name API infrastructure and APIs and make sales at home and abroad.

1 - 100 Domain
  • Transfer Register
  • .com $9.99 $10,79
  • .net $13,99 $13,99
  • Comodo   $5,49
  • eTuğra   $5,99
101 - 1000 Domain or $1,000 Deposit
  • Transfer Register
  • .com $9,99 $10,39
  • .net $13,49 $13,49
  • Comodo   $5,49
  • eTuğra   $5,99
1001 - 5000 Domain or $5,000 Deposit
  • Transfer Register
  • .com $9,99 $10,19
  • .net $12,99 $12,99
  • Comodo   $4,99
  • eTuğra   $5,49
5000+ domain or 20,000$ Deposit
  • Transfer Register
  • .com $9,99 $9,99
  • .net $12,49 $12,49
  • Comodo   $4,89
  • eTuğra   $5,39

Ucuz Domainler

Cheap Domain

If you want to make your name known in the internet world and create your online presence, affordable domain options may be ideal for you. As Domain Name API, the most profitable domain reseller program, we offer affordable and powerful domain options to all our domain resellers. Here are some reasons and advantages why affordable domains are important.

1. Budget-Friendly Solutions:

Cheap domains are a great way to build your domain portfolio while keeping your budget in mind. Domain prices can often be affordable due to high competition, helping you minimize your initial costs.

2. SEO Friendly Cheap Domain Options:

Low-cost domains are also important in terms of SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Search engines appreciate affordable and meaningful domain names to improve user experience. As Domain Name API, the best domain reseller program, offering affordable domain options can make you more visible in search engines and increase the ranking of your website.

3. Various Extensions:

We offer a wide range of domain options. Whether it's .com, .net, or a country code extension, you can find a domain that suits your needs. This diversity is an effective way to strengthen your domain hosting site and reach your target audience.

4. Easy Domain Registration and Management:

Registering a domain is easy and fast with the Domain Name API. Thanks to our user-friendly interface, you can quickly register and manage the domain you want. Additionally, you can easily access all information about your domain name and make updates when necessary.

5. 24/7 Support Service:

As Domain Name API, we attach great importance to customer satisfaction. In addition to affordable domains, we are at your service for all your questions with our 24/7 support team. You can get support at every step when choosing or managing the domain that best suits you.

6. Free domain opportunity. Free .xyz domain with .com:

If you match your .com and .xyz domain addresses and sell them on the same date, the .xyz extension along with the .com is free. Ex. If you sell and domain addresses on 03-01-2024, the .xyz domain fee will be refunded to your deposit in the first week of the next month.

Choose Domain Name API to strengthen your online presence with affordable – discounted domains. By keeping you in the online world at an affordable cost, you can manage your domains effectively and economically.

Cheapest Domain Reseller System

Domain Name API is the cheapest company which registers the maximum number of domain extension in the world among 20 companies providing a domain reseller system.
Cheap domain registration, renewal, and transfer prices will help your company become competitive in the market.

Domain Name Reseller Features


  • Instant domain registration, transfer, refresh.
  • The invoices for all transactions are sent via e-mail at the end of the month.
  • Easy DNS management.
  • Advanced Whois management.
  • Free Whois protection.

API Tools

  • Free .NET API
  • Free PHP API
  • Free WHMCS API

Frequently Asked Questions

  • We do not get prepayment for reseller activation.
  • There is no deduction for deposits and no commission.
  • We have rich variety of API such as .NET, PHP and WHMCS, Blesta, Hostbill, WISECP integration.
  • Our prices are more advantageous than our competitors. Domain prices are decreased for .com up to -. In rebate period , this price can decrease up to -. You can switch between slabs according to the deposit amount or the number of domains you have.
  • For companies that operate within Turkey there is 20% income tax advantage on the charges from us because they are located in Turkey compared to our foreign competitors who also deal in domain resale.
  • All of our APIs support Premium domains.
  • We have the latest technology, robust and secure domain registration infrastructure.
  • All versions of WHMCS domain integration can be downloaded for free from your reseller panel.
  • Reseller panel and website support multi-languages.
  • We serve more than 25.000+ domain resellers in 190 + countries.
  • We support subreseller service.
  • We provide free Whois protection service.

It's the right time to become a Domain Name API reseller.

Contact our experienced sales team and start earning!