.Tr Domain 3rd Category Registration
29.01.2024 15:50 5325 Views

.Tr Domain 3rd Category Registration

Tr Domain Extension 3rd Category Registration Conditions

Under Category 3, the "a.tr" domain names allocated as of August 25, 2023, will be given priority to those already allocated:















Priority will be given to the owners of these domain extensions in the order listed above in case of the same "a" extension.

In this context, four months is planned to complete Category 3. Applications will be accepted from February 14, 2024, to May 14, 2024, and allocation processes will occur between May 14, 2024, and August 7, 2024.

Applications will be carried out with the application code obtained from the Registrars where your current domain is registered (e.g. trabis.com.tr). After obtaining the application code, you can select one of the Registrars listed in the link and submit your priority application using the application code.

Applications will be made with the application code obtained from the Registry Agency where the current domain name (e.g. trabis.com.tr) is located, and registration can be made with the application code via www.domainnameapi.com.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the Activation Code? How should I obtain it?

Activation Code is the code required for your .tr domain name pre-order to be sent to TRABIS, the.TR authorized registrar. Activation code: a.kep.tr”, “a.av.tr”,”a.dr.tr”, “a.com.tr”, “a.org.tr”, “a.net.tr”, “a.gen.tr”, “a.web.tr”, “a.name.tr”, “a.info.tr”,”a.tv.tr”, “a.bbs.tr”,“an It is produced for domains with priority hierarchy in the ".tel.tr" extensions and must be obtained from the domain company where these domains are registered.

  • Do I need to take any action if both my source domain and my .tr reference are on the Domain Name API?

In this case, enter the "Domain List" from your reseller panel. Search for your source domain and click on the pencil mark as shown in the image below.

.Tr Domain 3rd Category Registration - Domain Name API

You can complete your process by clicking the "Complete application" button on the screen that appears.

.Tr Domain 3rd Category Registration - Domain Name API

  • What should I do if the source domain name of the domain name for which I have pre-applied for .tr from the Domain Name API is in another domain company or if I do not know the activation code?

For your preliminary application to be forwarded to TRABIS, you must learn the "activation code" from the registrar where your source domain name is located and enter this code in the relevant field when applying for the relevant domain from your Domain Name API customer panel.

.Tr Domain 3rd Category Registration - Domain Name API

  • I do not have any source domain name for the.TR domain name for which I have pre-applied and I cannot obtain an activation

code, what should I do?

If you do not have one of the domain names with the extension, “a.kep.tr”, “a.av.tr”, “a.dr.tr”, “a.com.tr”, “a.org.tr”, “a.net .tr”, “a.gen.tr”, “a.web.tr”, “a.name.tr”, “a.info.tr”, “a.tv.tr”, “a.bbs.tr “, “a.tel.tr”, as of 25.08.2023 you will not be able to receive an activation code for your pre-applied domain with the .tr extension. In this case, you need to wait until after August 7, 2024, when the .tr extension will be opened to public registration. After this date, we will send your application to TRABİS on your behalf. If the domain name has not been allocated to someone else with priority rights, you will still have your chance to get this domain. If you are not allocated at the end of the process, the fee you paid will be refunded to your deposit.

  • I am the owner of the domain with the structure 'a.b.tr' falling under category 3. What should I do to allocate the domain corresponding to 'a.tr' structure?

As of August 25, 2023, owners of domains with extensions such as 'kep.tr,' 'av.tr,' 'dr.tr,' 'com.tr,' 'org.tr,' 'net.tr,' 'gen.tr,' 'web.tr,' 'name.tr,' 'info.tr,' 'tv.tr,' 'bbs.tr,' and 'tel.tr' will request an application code from the registration organization they receive services from following the announcement on the institution's website. Using the application code, they will apply through their preferred registration organization (it is not mandatory for the 'a.tr' application to be made through the service-providing registration organization). After the application process is completed, allocation processes will be carried out considering the hierarchy in the extension list mentioned above (for example, if applications are made within the specified period for domain names like 'a.com.tr' and 'a.net.tr,' priority will be given to the owner of 'a.com.tr'). The prioritization of applications will not affect the allocation process; allocations will be made considering the hierarchical structure mentioned above."

  • I am the owner of the domain with the structure 'a.b.tr' falling under category 3. Despite being in the priority category, why wasn't the domain with the structure 'a.tr' allocated to me?

As of August 25, 2023, allocation processes will be carried out in accordance with the hierarchy for those who have applied within the announced date range by the owners of domains with extensions like 'kep.tr,' 'av.tr,' 'dr.tr,' 'com.tr,' 'org.tr,' 'net.tr,' 'gen.tr,' 'web.tr,' 'name.tr,' 'info.tr,' 'tv.tr,' 'bbs.tr,' and 'tel.tr,' considering the mentioned hierarchy.

  • Will my allocated 'a.tr' domain with structure 1/2/3 be redirected to my 'a.b.tr' domain?

Due to the structure of domain names, they are unique; therefore, the allocation of the domain name with the structure 'a.tr' creates a different domain name. If preferred, relevant processes can be carried out by the domain owner for redirection (TRABIS does not perform redirection processes).

  • Will there be a relationship between my allocated 'a.tr' domain with structure 1/2/3 and my 'a.b.tr' domain?

Addresses falling under the category will establish a relationship with domain names with the structure 'a.tr,' and actions such as waiver, transfer, and cancellation for one of the addresses with the structure 'a.b.tr' will apply to the associated 'a.tr' domain names. However, actions taken for the 'a.tr' domain name will not affect the essential domain name for allocation. (For example, if waiver is made for 'btk.gov.tr,' it will be considered waived for 'btk.tr' associated with it, but even if 'btk.tr' is waived, 'btk.gov.tr' will continue to be used). There is no relationship for categories 2 and 3."
